Our safety patrol acts as a second set of eyes on the neighborhood using an electronic monitoring system with participating buildings

Patrol Car Team
CHN’s Patrol Car Program is a well loved amenity, providing an extra set of eyes on the neighborhood. Brosnan Risk Consultants, our security company, uses cutting edge technology on their daily patrols as they check in with local businesses and door attendants. Retrofitted with an electronic monitoring system, our cruiser patrol tags buildings (on request) on their nightly rotation to ensure participants the patrol has checked the perimeter. It also doubles as a mobile response unit.
For more information on joining our Patrol Car program, please call our office at (212) 996-5520 or email us at info@chneighbors.org.
Areas of Operation
86th - 96th Streets (Third Ave to Fifth Ave)
97th & 98th Streets (Fifth Ave & Madison Ave only)
View participating buildings here.